Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm curious, whether anyone out there thinks the country, or the world, has gotten "better" or more "hopeful" during the two or so years that Obama has been in power. Yes, I said "in power", because until January he was, in fact, all powerful, and was allowed to do pretty much everything he wanted to do, regardless of whose rights, property or money he stole. So, how's that "Hope & Change" going for everybody? The Teleprompter Wizard" promised prosperity, unity, and to bring rogue nations into the fold of civilized nations with his golden tongue and unparalleled wisdom. Is is me, or has he fallen just a little short of those promises? We have massive unemployment, people and businesses are uncertain about their futures, our nation is being crushed by spending and debt, serious discussions about state secession abound, and rogue governments around the world are doing pretty much whatever they like, and telling us to "Piss off!"
If I didn't [know] better, having seen some of his earlier political speeches and writings, I'd be inclined to think that the current state of affairs in this country, and around the world, were not, in fact, "failures" of his presidency, but rather supreme successes of his life-long political philosophy and struggle. Obviously, he's not a brilliant mind, but with the support of a mainstream media that shares those same beliefs, and a major political party with similar beliefs, and no small amount of assistance from foreign agents, and organizations with openly anti-American agendas, he has succeeded in inflicting damage to this country that the old Soviet Union's leaders could only have dreamed of.
It may just be me, but damn it, the critter looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck!

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