Tuesday, June 30, 2009


How can Americans watch and listen, as California sinks into the Pacific under the weight of a liberal Democratic government, and then fail to understand that President Obama's policies will result in EXACTLY the same future for the entire country? California got where is has because we have more government than we can afford, PERIOD. That's it! Every time a new agency or new program is created, it has built-in increases in budget, regardless of what the real - private - economy is doing. If govt. budgets grow at 5% per year, but the economy only grows at 2%, what do you think will happen to the State Budget? Yep, in 20 years, the budget (price) grows 100%, but the revenues (income) grows only 20%. So, the government borrows the difference, and it keeps doing this until it can't make the payroll and interest payments anymore, and then we arrive at 2009. GET IT? Wanna know what Obama is proposing? Oh, yeah, that health care thing, and that "Stimulus" thing, and all the nationalization of industries thing. But let me toss this in for you to consider. You know, that "Cap & Trade" thing? Well, it's going to bring in a LOT of tax money, so the government can borrow more money against your future earnings, but there's a fly in the ointment. It's going to make doing business in the US more expensive, and therefore make American products more expensive, so people will buy fewer of them. That'll make American makers of those goods lose business, and either lay-off workers, or go out of business, or move production overseas. So, for a short period of time, those businesses will pay taxes to support Obama's new big government, and you'll pay higher prices for almost everything you buy and use, but as American businesses contract, or leave, guess what's going to happen. The government's appetite for money will still go up at 5+% per year, while the business based revenues will go down, so the government will have to look to someone else as a source of their income. GUESS WHO THAT WILL BE! Don't think so? Take another peek at California, and think again.

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