Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Fallacy of Free Health Care: What kind of country will America be? > > Media Archives

The Fallacy of Free Health Care: What kind of country will America be? > > Media Archives

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1 comment:

  1. Newt is 100% correct in his take on this matter. Nothing is "Free". Unless you snatch a fly out of the air and eat it, there is no free lunch. Someone, somewhere, had to create the product, or provide the service, and they had to be paid, so the money for that pay either comes from you, the recipient/consumer, or from someone else, from taxation/confiscation/donation. So, when Obama tells you about all the things he is going go "give" a particular segment of society, just whip-out your pocket calculator, or a pencil and paper, and do a little math. How much do you think YOU would charge to provide someone with that product or service? How many people is he promising it to? So, on top of all the other money that is being taken from people in taxes - those who actually pay taxes - how much are you going to have to increase their taxes to pay for your earlier figures? Uh-huh! If you think that might kill the Goose that laid the Golden Egg, then start looking for a pool of people that's large enough that you COULD extract that amount from. Uh-huh! OK, now if those people weren't paying much tax, before this new "free stuff" starts getting doled-out, what'ya think Mr. Generous is going to do? Yep, he's going to start putting taxes on everything we do, use and consume, to pay for it, because, remember, nobody is going to do anything for nothing. Get the picture? If he tells you that he's going to "give" you something for nothing, he's lying. He's just going to force you to pay for it in a different way, and "give" the money to his supporters. The TRUTH may not be pleasant, but believing a LIE is often fatal.
