Thursday, January 24, 2013


As Dianne Feinstein launches another attack on "assault weapons", I'm once again reminded that the mainstream media has completely abandoned its responsibility of being the watchdog for the people - against the government, and is now, effectively, the propaganda agency of the Democratic/Communist Party. [IF] the goal of the Democrats were actually to reduce deaths by gunshot in this country, and infringing on Constitutional rights was being considered, they would be rounding-up all the known gang members and known violent criminals in the country, suspending THEIR Constitutional rights, and either killing or permanently removing them from society, BUT THEY ARE NOT, because "crime" has nothing to do with "gun control". Just as the 2nd Amendment doesn't have anything to do with hunting or self-defense, those who want to amend or abolish it have no interest in reducing crime. They are lying. The 2nd Amendment was meant to prevent OUR government from making that government superior to the People by disarming them, PERIOD, and allowing people like Obama and Feinstein to decide which kind of weapons the American people can keep and bear is to commit political suicide. The American people should always retain the last word, not the executive branch, not the legislature, not the courts, and not some bureaucracy.

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