Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger,
I used to work in the American motorcycle industry. Over the years, I saw many instances of environmental regulations killing jobs and killing businesses, and by virtue of that, killing revenue to the federal government, the State of California, local governments AND various charities. Now, I see you and Obama, grinning like a bunch of possums, patting themselves on the backs over some new CAFE standards.
Let me tell you how the California Air Research Board, and California's emissions standards, have impacted the California economy.
CARB cracked-down on manufacturers, dealerships and repair shops for replacing factory installed "emissions" components with after market [custom] parts, the idea being to reduce smog. If they caught anyone doing it, it meant BIG fines, and the police wrote lots of tickets, to collect money from scofflaws.
So, what was the actual effect?
When shops informed potential customers that they could not replace the stock - quiet - mufflers with louder custom pipes, or the ugly stock air filter boxes with cool ones - with skulls, and flames, and all that stuff - the potential customers lost much of their enthusiasm, and most left to try and find dealers or shops who would take the risk. Regardless of what bureaucrats and politicians think, or want, Americans want their American motorcycles to sound like American motorcycles, and they want to be able to personalize them, according to the dreams they have had, since their grandpas gave them a ride on their custom hogs, etc. It's a cultural thing, and, unfortunately, the culture of people in our capitals differs greatly from the culture of the people who foot the bill for everything.
So, instead of happily buying a $15,000 motorcycle, and adding $3-10K of customization, and $2000 in clothing and equipment, or more, to the deal, they left their dreams in that old shoe box filled with family pictures, and went on about their lives. You were happy, and CARB was happy, and Algore was happy, but a whole lot of other people paid for your happiness and your shortsightedness, and paid big.
The dealership didn't get the profits on the deal, the mechanics didn't get the hours, installing the stuff, the parts guy didn't earn a check, collecting all the goodies for the bike, the DMV girl didn't get paid, nor the get-ready boy, nor the salesman.
But, the impact didn't stop there.
No, to make your green friends happy, the guy who sold the steel for the pipes lost money, as did the guy who delivered the steel, and the guy who bent the steel, and the guy who welded the steel, and the guy who chromed the steel, and the company who sold the pipes, and the box company, and the packing kids, and the UPS driver who took it to the wholesaler, and the people who worked in that warehouse, and the salesman at the wholesaler, and the wholesaler, and more UPS workers who got it to the shop, and all the restaurants and other businesses that all those people couldn't spend that missing money with, unto infinity.
Repeat that process for the intake parts, and the suspension parts, and the silly mirrors, and handlebars, and seats, and custom paint.
OH, and let's not forget the American company and workers who built the original motorcycle, and the truckers who got it to the dealership, and all the people and companies up and downstream from them.
Ah, but it didn't stop there.
Since the potential buyer couldn't have his dream bike, he didn't ride around to biker places with his friends, so they didn't eat, and drink, and stay in motels, and he didn't buy the hair glove and the sexy shirt for his wife or girlfriend, and he didn't need to have his bike serviced, or have the tires changed, and he didn't replace the first custom pipes and intake with something cooler, so all the people that made, sold, transported, installed that stuff didn't make money, and all the people THEY patronized lost income too.
Oh, did I mention, that most motorcycle rides/events are designed to raise money for charities?
Yes, so all the potential customers that you, Barack and your green buddies convinced NOT to buy custom motorcycles didn't attend those rides, because they would be embarrassed to ride up on something that sounds more like granny's sewing machine than grandpa's panhead, and a little less research got done, or medicine got bought, so you could impose your beliefs and values on others.
SO, what have we learned?
The State of California wants to start inspecting motorcycles, to check for smog equipment.
That means, the people who didn't buy motorcycles because the dealership wouldn't change that equipment will be joined by the people who won't buy motorcycles because they won't be able to change that equipment themselves, and they will be joined by the people who can't or won't pay to have their bikes brought back into compliance, because they wouldn't want to ride them that way, in not spending money on their motorcycles, and their wives and girlfriends, and their lifestyle. And, remember all those other people I mentioned, who wouldn't earn money, because that first guy didn't buy his dream bike?, well, they won't earn money AGAIN, and those companies will close, and then those people won't be able to spend money, and countless other people will lose their jobs too.
Now, a thinking man/woman, would look at all these "green" proposals that you and Barack are so fond of, and ask his/herself, if you can kill jobs like that in California, by attacking loud motorcycles, what impact will your ideas have on the RV business/community? What about the boating industry? Private aircraft? Off-roaders? Hunters? Fishermen? Water skiers?
I know what you are going to say. You're going to puke up the lies, about replacing all those lost jobs with new, "green" jobs, that will be created by companies you choose.
So, Barack and you are going to destroy millions of job that grew naturally, and that were self-sustaining, with the jobs YOU think people should have, in industries YOU create, that have no real market value of their own.
Governor, I'd like stop here, and tell you that this is all theory, and that these were hypothetical examples, but I can't. I used to work in the motorcycle business, but now I am unemployed, along with friends of mine, due in no small part to what I described.
We used to make decent money, but now we are on unemployment, because stupid people in high places did stupid things, and now you are wanting to do even more, bigger stupid things, and kill more jobs, making it less and less likely that many of us will ever find decent jobs, and for what? So you can force your political, social and religious beliefs on the rest of us?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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