Sunday, May 31, 2009


We must keep Gitmo open, that's all there is to it. In four years, we are going to need a secure place to house Barack Obama, his Congress and his Administration, for the economic and social crimes they are committing against the American people, and for the economic damages they are going to suffer at their hands. They must not be allowed to escape their responsibility for this tragedy in progress, but we must keep them some place where Americans who have had their lives destroyed by these idiotic policies/actions cannot get their hands on the culprits, no matter how much they might deserve that justice. Am I kidding? 'Ya think there are a few Cubans who'd like to get their hands around Castro's neck? OK, OK, I know, forgive and forget. What the hell, let's let Uncle Bernie, OJ, and Charley Manson out as well.

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