Friday, July 31, 2009


After watching and listening to our glorious leader, Barack Obama, for eight months, I am starting to understand his vision for the future. Imagine this. We will have millions of young people serving their National Service stints, working in National Soup Kitchens, feeding the hungry, unemployed - but grateful - masses a hearty broth made from the bodies of old people, who have been pragmatically allowed to die by the National Health Service, seasoned with the stems and seeds from the National Pot Farms. Think of the problems that will have been solved by this system alone! We keep the young people busy, we keep the masses fed, and numbed to their new lives, and we keep the numbers of them pesky old geezers down to an acceptable level, leaving lots and lots of money and assets available for the enjoyment of government employees and "elected officials". Oh, and for the court of our glorious leader, King Barack I!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


If ObamaCare passes, someone should form an internet registry through which American doctors can find jobs in other countries, where they will be able to earn more money. Big oil producing countries, and manufacturing countries, or those with large financial sectors, where the population has private insurance, or simply lots of money, will be able to get turn-key, top notch doctors, would be more than willing to pay for them to relocate, while Americans will get substandard doctors from foreign countries, who are willing to work for our government health system, like the doctors and health care workers that Medicare patients routinely get now. We've allowed the liberals to drive-off millions of manufacturing jobs, and now we're going to let them drive away our doctors. Wouldn't it make more sense to just do things that encourage more business, and more manufacturing, so more people will become good doctors, and more people can afford to have first-rate medical care?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Let me ask everyone something. If I told you, you don't have enough money to buy a new car, and that you can't even pay for the car you already drive, or afford to make your house payment, or pay your utility bills, what would make you think it's a good idea to go out and buy a new Rolls Royce? Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, to name just some govt. programs, don't balance. We aren't paying for them. You know, they put Bernie Madoff in prison for running a Ponzi scheme? Now, before we fix any of those MONUMENTAL problems, the Democrats are trying to create a new one! Do you think that's smart? If we can't afford the ones we already have? How will that work? Money and numbers don't behave differently, just because the numbers of zeros we're talking about start multiplying, and if we'll go broke under our existing entitlement programs within a few years, adding another entitlement program will only hasten our demise. THAT is the truth. No matter what Obama or Pelosi say, politicians lie, numbers can't. The ONLY thing that they will accomplish, by creating a government run health insurance scheme is, to put millions of Americans into ANOTHER substandard health program, destroy a large portion of our economy, cost us millions of jobs, AND put a lot of money into the hands of their political supporters, just like they did with the Financial Bailout, and the Auto Bailout, and all these "Czars", and the resulting bureaucracies. Write your "representative", and ask them why they aren't volunteering to join such a system, in a short term test program, to see how it works, before they try and put the taxpayers into such a program, and bury the entire nation in more debt. Don't you test medicine, or products, before you commit to their manufacture and sale? Obama and the Democrats think you are stupid. Don't prove them correct. Let all of them know, that if they support these huge programs, you'll vote them out of THEIR job, starting next year. Spreading poverty to all Americans is NOT equality.

Russians, Islamists poised for confrontation

Russians, Islamists poised for confrontation

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Friday, July 17, 2009


So, did the old commie leave all of his money to the IRS? I think we should set a cap on earnings at $500K per year, and then confiscate all trusts and endowments, and all bank accounts deemed "excessive", and all property and securities that are deemed excessive, and use use them to pay for Obama's Health Plan, and his Cap and Trade Plan, and all the other "Fairness" policies he can dream up. Of course, that would mean all those Hollywood bigwigs, and all the Ivy League schools, and all the liberal "philanthropic trusts" would be forced to live like us peasants. Yep, I think we should even the playing field, and make everyone equal.

Friday, July 10, 2009


When is MSNBC going to get rid of that silly peacock, and replace it with a portrait of Barack Obama? I think having him sitting at his desk, in the Oval Office, with Keith, Chris and Rachel kneeling under the desk would be perfect, and so appropriate.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Dear CTA,

Being a California native, I've grown-up watching your guys' act, and after analyzing your fundamental political positions on virtually every topic, I use your television ads as a quick guide which way to vote. I consider your organization to be a form of institutional organized crime, and it is my belief that you are largely responsible for the economic situation the state now finds itself in. Your resistance to quality and accountability have resulted in generations of Californians receiving sub-standard educations, inflicting incalculable economic damage to your victims, and to our society on the whole. Were I the Attorney General, I'd be prosecuting you for your crimes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


When you see and hear liberals scoff at being called socialists, communists or Marxists, stop to consider the policies they pursue, think about the old adage, about something that quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, and looks like a duck, being a duck, and remember these words.
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) wrote, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”

BHO at the G8

Oh, the irony! We had an [American?] President in Europe, trying to talk the European leaders into being more socialist, while they are trying to prevent adding to the historical problems that socialism has given Europe, by not going overboard on govt. spending and regulations - high unemployment, stifled investment and industrial activity. Apparently, for all his "education", Barry didn't quite catch-on to that historical lesson. But then, economic performance in the US isn't as important to his political belief system as central authority and control, is it? Josef Stalin didn't care that his collectivism policies and central planning killed millions of Soviet citizens, because he had social and political goals were more important than the happiness or lives of individuals, and Obama is cut from the same cloth.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I am getting so fed-up hearing about Greenhouse Gases, and Global Climate Change, and listening to politicians, bureaucrats and "scientists" coming-up with a never ending list of ways to separate me from my freedom and my money, I am just about ready to scream! How about, if liberals want to try and control the world's climate, let THEM do it, and they just leave everyone else out of their little fantasy? If they want to rely solely on solar or wind energy, let them. If they want to pay higher taxes, let them. If they want to ride mass transit, let them. If they want to drive crappy little death boxes, I'm all good with that too. These people are political and financial criminals, and religious fanatics, and they should be removed from positions where they can impose their beliefs on others, and where they can steal public funds.


I wonder if she's going to wear her old Che Guevara t-shirt, from college. Yep, it's going to be fun! I can just see Obama on TV now, telling the American people how he's forming a multi-national force, with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, to put Zelaya back in power. I wonder how many American troops would go for THAT. 'Silly conservative talk show hosts, suggesting that Obama and his comrades are Marxists!


Can you imagine what our enemies must be thinking? They are testing nukes, and firing missiles, and murdering their citizens, and spying on us, and plotting terrorist attacks against us, our economy is in the tank, our government is running wild, but our national media is effectively blacked-out from real news, as they cover the death of a pervert entertainer? No wonder nobody takes us seriously, we're a nation of idiots!


You know, I've been observing politics in this country for a long time, and I'm used to the Left vilifying conservatives they think might threaten their goals, but this whole Sarah Palin episode has them absolutely frothing at the mouth, and I don't get it. I keep hearing people call her stupid, and say that she has no clue, or no experience, or whatever, and I'm stunned. Excuse me! The guy in the White House was a "community organizer", and got elected through the Illinois political machine? Hell, people, he's Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and everyone is acting like the guy is Einstein! He's not! He read some well written speeches, but since he got the job, I haven't heard or seen anything from him to suggest that he is anything but an average intellect. Simply being liberal doesn't raise your IQ! In fact, I'm starting to think that liberals have one of two problems. Either they are stupid, or they are insane, because to continue to cling to political, economic and social policies that have proven, for almost a century, to be complete failures, you have to be one or the other. They can't actually all be working for our enemies, can they? That's the only other reasonable explanation.
Anyway, back to Sarah Palin. Excuse me, again, but, from a historical perspective, all the "best and brightest" from our "elite" Eastern universities who have been running our government for some time now have done a pretty crappy job, wouldn't you agree? I mean, what part of total screw-ups doesn't everyone get? What HAVE they done right? We're broke, our education system is a failure, our infrastructural system is obsolete, our criminal justice system is a joke, we can't secure our borders, we can't stop exporting jobs, etc., etc., etc. What exactly do they teach at the Ivy League schools? Stupidity and incompetence? Drug usage? Corruption? Yeah, we better watch out for that Sarah Palin bitch, she probably didn't take any of those classes in college!
Al-Freakin'-Gore went to Harvard and Vanderbuilt! Bill Clinton went to Georgetown, Oxford and Yale! Jimmy Carter had a fine educational pedigree! Yeah, all of them turned-out to be great leaders, didn't they? The two Bush Boys were Yale guys. Yep, you're right, we had some great strides forward under ALL their terms, didn't we?
So, what's the beef with Palin? Let me see, hmmm. Well, had she run for Prez, instead of McCain, and been elected, she probably wouldn't have been trying to nationalize our medical system, so the federal government could screw that up, and she probably wouldn't have nationalised GM and Chrysler. Oh, and she wouldn't be trying to screw the American economy into the ground with Crap and Trade, and regulate every aspect of our lives. Hmm, what else? She probably wouldn't have nationalised most of our financial sector, and she probably wouldn't have been kissing-ass on Castro, Chavez and Ortega, and selling-out the peoples of Honduras, Iran, N. Korea and other struggling nations around the world. OH, and we'd be developing REAL energy policies, that help raise our standard of living, and reduce the cost of energy, instead of guarantying the income of OPEC for generations through idiotic "GREEN" policies. She probably wouldn't have her people trying to undermine the Second Amendment.
Hell, there are probably lots of things she wouldn't be trying to tax, regulate or ban. What a crazy bitch!
I think her biggest problem with the mainstream media, and the liberal elites in this country is, someone might actually confuse her with being an AMERICAN.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Americans should take time to find and read our nation's two founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, and if they have time, the entire Constitution. As our new President and his Congress push their new agendas, it is important for all Americans to understand what our founding fathers said, and to compare Obama's vision of government with that of the people who actually created our nation. The differences are staggering, and if you stop to think that one group of people was trying to insure future generations would have the most possible future, and they tried to prevent future governments from becoming too powerful, and too intrusive, you will come to understand how out-of-line ours has become over the years, and in particular, since Obama was elected. We are in serious danger of losing our freedom, and of having our nation collapse under the weight and intrusion of this new mega-government.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Arizona Considers Plan to Opt Out of Federal Health Care

Amazing, six months in office, and Obama and his Democratic Congress have already sown the seeds of a Revolution. Uh, People, if you check your history books, you’ll find out that no empire or nation in history has been “too big to fail”. I got an idea, let the liberals have the states without oil, natural gas or coal, because they don’t believe in using those nasty things, and we’ll let them have all the illegal aliens, because they’re such an economic benefit.