Tuesday, July 7, 2009


You know, I've been observing politics in this country for a long time, and I'm used to the Left vilifying conservatives they think might threaten their goals, but this whole Sarah Palin episode has them absolutely frothing at the mouth, and I don't get it. I keep hearing people call her stupid, and say that she has no clue, or no experience, or whatever, and I'm stunned. Excuse me! The guy in the White House was a "community organizer", and got elected through the Illinois political machine? Hell, people, he's Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and everyone is acting like the guy is Einstein! He's not! He read some well written speeches, but since he got the job, I haven't heard or seen anything from him to suggest that he is anything but an average intellect. Simply being liberal doesn't raise your IQ! In fact, I'm starting to think that liberals have one of two problems. Either they are stupid, or they are insane, because to continue to cling to political, economic and social policies that have proven, for almost a century, to be complete failures, you have to be one or the other. They can't actually all be working for our enemies, can they? That's the only other reasonable explanation.
Anyway, back to Sarah Palin. Excuse me, again, but, from a historical perspective, all the "best and brightest" from our "elite" Eastern universities who have been running our government for some time now have done a pretty crappy job, wouldn't you agree? I mean, what part of total screw-ups doesn't everyone get? What HAVE they done right? We're broke, our education system is a failure, our infrastructural system is obsolete, our criminal justice system is a joke, we can't secure our borders, we can't stop exporting jobs, etc., etc., etc. What exactly do they teach at the Ivy League schools? Stupidity and incompetence? Drug usage? Corruption? Yeah, we better watch out for that Sarah Palin bitch, she probably didn't take any of those classes in college!
Al-Freakin'-Gore went to Harvard and Vanderbuilt! Bill Clinton went to Georgetown, Oxford and Yale! Jimmy Carter had a fine educational pedigree! Yeah, all of them turned-out to be great leaders, didn't they? The two Bush Boys were Yale guys. Yep, you're right, we had some great strides forward under ALL their terms, didn't we?
So, what's the beef with Palin? Let me see, hmmm. Well, had she run for Prez, instead of McCain, and been elected, she probably wouldn't have been trying to nationalize our medical system, so the federal government could screw that up, and she probably wouldn't have nationalised GM and Chrysler. Oh, and she wouldn't be trying to screw the American economy into the ground with Crap and Trade, and regulate every aspect of our lives. Hmm, what else? She probably wouldn't have nationalised most of our financial sector, and she probably wouldn't have been kissing-ass on Castro, Chavez and Ortega, and selling-out the peoples of Honduras, Iran, N. Korea and other struggling nations around the world. OH, and we'd be developing REAL energy policies, that help raise our standard of living, and reduce the cost of energy, instead of guarantying the income of OPEC for generations through idiotic "GREEN" policies. She probably wouldn't have her people trying to undermine the Second Amendment.
Hell, there are probably lots of things she wouldn't be trying to tax, regulate or ban. What a crazy bitch!
I think her biggest problem with the mainstream media, and the liberal elites in this country is, someone might actually confuse her with being an AMERICAN.

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