Friday, July 17, 2009


So, did the old commie leave all of his money to the IRS? I think we should set a cap on earnings at $500K per year, and then confiscate all trusts and endowments, and all bank accounts deemed "excessive", and all property and securities that are deemed excessive, and use use them to pay for Obama's Health Plan, and his Cap and Trade Plan, and all the other "Fairness" policies he can dream up. Of course, that would mean all those Hollywood bigwigs, and all the Ivy League schools, and all the liberal "philanthropic trusts" would be forced to live like us peasants. Yep, I think we should even the playing field, and make everyone equal.


  1. If you take all the money and divide it up equally right now, in six months the poor would be poor again and in two years the rich would be rich again.In a free market that is.

  2. Let's start with the entertainment industry.
