Monday, June 29, 2009


I know, whenever any politician's lips are moving, you have to be skeptical, but Barack Obama has taken bullshitting to historical levels. He may be the greatest liar in history, making Barnie Madoff pale by comparison. I just caught his take on the Cap & Trade bill in the House, and I was, again, amazed. And, demonstrating just how big this guy's balls are, he cited CALIFORNIA as some kind of model for his philosophy! California is a disaster! Our government has killed more jobs, and caused more shortages, and mismanaged our economy, more than any other state in the union. Oh, and by the way, California's government has been owned by the Democrats for as long as I can remember, and I'm 53. He's right, if you go with the California model, you'll NOT build more electrical generation plants, or any other kind of plant, because the environmental regs in California make manufacturing ANYTHING idiotic. Hell, the California legislature has done more to develop China's economy than it has the American economy! Oh, and that's what Comrade Obama and his co-conspirators in Congress have in mind for the entire country? Good freakin' luck! Here's the truth. If you like the idea of sending good paying jobs to foreign workers, and you like the idea of living from the hand of bureaucrats, Obama's your man. But when you listen to what he says, look into his eyes, and you'll see the soul of a total liar. Cap and Trade will kill jobs, and and raise taxes, and raise your cost of living, and will have no impact on global temperatures.

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