Wednesday, August 12, 2009

OBAMA, the Post Office, and the Truth

My God, is there ANYTHING this guy won't say to get what he wants? Now his "public option" isn't going to be subsidized, and will compete with the private sector with price and quality? I think this guy is psychotic! He tries to make his point, about the effectiveness of a proposed government agency/program by pointing out that another government agency can't operate effectively or efficiently, and compete with two private sector service providers? OH, but I guess in his world, health care is so much simpler than delivering an envelope or box???? This guy is either the biggest idiot on earth, or else he thinks the American people are, and assumes his minions in the media will somehow BS us into believing him. I'm going to toss out an idea. How about a postage stamp, in his honor, using that Joker Poster image as the design?

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