Thursday, August 6, 2009


Take a moment and compare the various news outlets on cable television these days - with the sound off. Most of the people on CNN, MSNBC and the like look like someone in the studio has gas, or like they just got a letter from their spouse's divorce attorney, and when you turn on the sound, you'd think you're listening to someone try to housebreak a stupid puppy. I'm not kidding, these people are a-holes, and they're the most condescending a-holes I've ever seen. Then, turn to FoxNews, or Fox Business Channel, and repeat the same steps. The news is the same, and the disaster of an economy is the same, but the people are different. Most of them are smiling, and even if they are disagreeing with a guest, most of the time they are pleasant, they seem to genuinely like the people they work with, and they seem happy to be alive. They look like someone you'd enjoy having lunch with, or being related to, or discussing the issues with, and it's the same, whether the sound is on or off. I don't agree with all of them, but there isn't one of them that I have the desire to give a good smack in the mouth, and I can't say that about most of the people on the other networks. The Fox people act like they are looking out for the American people, and the newsies on the other channels appear only to be fronting for the Democrats, and the Obama Administration, and let the nation and her economy be damned. I'm a conservative, sometimes Republican, but first I'm an American, and I want my news source to be "American", so FoxNews and the Fox Business Channel are where I tend to land. It's kinda like, Who'd ya rather spend the day with, your loving mother, or your bitter, aging, spinster aunt. The weather will be the same, so enough with the sour face already!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes... the major news outlets in our country, with the exception of maybe FoxNews, resembles the new Americanized version of Pravda.

    It's time for American's to quit being the spoiled brats that we have become, and get our collective heads out of their butts.

    We need to take back our schools from the "enlightened" socialist professors and bed-wetters who have dumbed down our children over the last several decades, and teach them the truth about our nation and what make us different as a nation.

    We need to get families more involved in their own households and rearing our children properly again - everything in life has consequences "Little Johnny", your getting the spanking you deserve, instead of the pat on the head you are used to these days because they have been taught that they are entitled little bastards in our schools, when they have done nothing in life yet to better anything.

    We need to over-throw our socialist/communist leaning government while we are at it. A good place to start might be to assemble a gallows on the steps of the Capital building in Washington, and publicly lynch every one of the treasonist politicians in it, and then drive down Pennsylvania Avenue and take out the card carrying communist at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave while we're at it.

    This sounds like a good start to me... :)
