Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Here's a little secret, for everyone who's worried about the amount of carbon in the air. If you plant a tree, or grow algae, or water your grass, or start a garden, you are recycling carbon, every time the sun rises and sets. It can't be destroyed, just like you can't get energy from nothing, and just like we can't limit the amount of heat that the earth receives. "Sequestering" carbon in bullshit. If you put carbon in the ground, and it's compressed, it will release heat into the earth. The earth's surface receives trillions of BTUs worth of energy from the sun, every year, and that's a fact. Once it gets here, it's here. Some of it warms the surface, and some of it warms the water, and some of it is collected in plant life. As plants shed their leaves, or they die, that biomass decays, and it creates heat, and it releases methane and other hydrocarbon oils, etc., and some plant materials are eaten by animals, and that produces heat, and releases methane, and carbon is stored in their bodies until they die, and then it starts again. If we were smart, we would be smarter about water, and separate more of it from salt, and use plant life to re-capture more carbon, so we could use it for fuel, and we would stop allowing politicians and bureaucrats to use a fairy tale as an excuse to rob us of our money and our freedom.


How can Americans watch and listen, as California sinks into the Pacific under the weight of a liberal Democratic government, and then fail to understand that President Obama's policies will result in EXACTLY the same future for the entire country? California got where is has because we have more government than we can afford, PERIOD. That's it! Every time a new agency or new program is created, it has built-in increases in budget, regardless of what the real - private - economy is doing. If govt. budgets grow at 5% per year, but the economy only grows at 2%, what do you think will happen to the State Budget? Yep, in 20 years, the budget (price) grows 100%, but the revenues (income) grows only 20%. So, the government borrows the difference, and it keeps doing this until it can't make the payroll and interest payments anymore, and then we arrive at 2009. GET IT? Wanna know what Obama is proposing? Oh, yeah, that health care thing, and that "Stimulus" thing, and all the nationalization of industries thing. But let me toss this in for you to consider. You know, that "Cap & Trade" thing? Well, it's going to bring in a LOT of tax money, so the government can borrow more money against your future earnings, but there's a fly in the ointment. It's going to make doing business in the US more expensive, and therefore make American products more expensive, so people will buy fewer of them. That'll make American makers of those goods lose business, and either lay-off workers, or go out of business, or move production overseas. So, for a short period of time, those businesses will pay taxes to support Obama's new big government, and you'll pay higher prices for almost everything you buy and use, but as American businesses contract, or leave, guess what's going to happen. The government's appetite for money will still go up at 5+% per year, while the business based revenues will go down, so the government will have to look to someone else as a source of their income. GUESS WHO THAT WILL BE! Don't think so? Take another peek at California, and think again.


Here's a shocker [NOT!] Obama is upset about Honduras ousting a Leftist leader. Good thing he's pulling our troops out of Iraq, so he and Hugo can use them to install Marxist governments throughout the Americas. Don't hand me that "Right-wingers always play the "Marxist" card!". Look at Obama's eyes, and then check-out Chavez' eyes, and then Castro's eyes. That ain't George Washington in there, Baby, it's Josef Stalin.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I know, whenever any politician's lips are moving, you have to be skeptical, but Barack Obama has taken bullshitting to historical levels. He may be the greatest liar in history, making Barnie Madoff pale by comparison. I just caught his take on the Cap & Trade bill in the House, and I was, again, amazed. And, demonstrating just how big this guy's balls are, he cited CALIFORNIA as some kind of model for his philosophy! California is a disaster! Our government has killed more jobs, and caused more shortages, and mismanaged our economy, more than any other state in the union. Oh, and by the way, California's government has been owned by the Democrats for as long as I can remember, and I'm 53. He's right, if you go with the California model, you'll NOT build more electrical generation plants, or any other kind of plant, because the environmental regs in California make manufacturing ANYTHING idiotic. Hell, the California legislature has done more to develop China's economy than it has the American economy! Oh, and that's what Comrade Obama and his co-conspirators in Congress have in mind for the entire country? Good freakin' luck! Here's the truth. If you like the idea of sending good paying jobs to foreign workers, and you like the idea of living from the hand of bureaucrats, Obama's your man. But when you listen to what he says, look into his eyes, and you'll see the soul of a total liar. Cap and Trade will kill jobs, and and raise taxes, and raise your cost of living, and will have no impact on global temperatures.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of s--t' "

Finally, a politician who has the balls to tell the truth. The Democrats have s--t-canned California, and now they are trying to do the same thing to the entire country. This Administration can't think of enough ways to devastate our economy, and give away our standard of living to the Chinese and the Indians. I'm serious when I say, Al Quaeda, N. Korea and Iran combined don't pose as big a threat to the American people as the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress, in state houses around the country, and in the mainstream media. We could survive and recover from any attack they can throw at us, but the debt these "Americans" are putting on our children, and the burden they are going to put on all of us, and all businesses, could lead to the total collapse of our economy, and thereby bring about the failure of the nation. Many nations/empires/kingdoms, throughout history, have come-apart as a result of foolish governments that crushed their peoples' economies with their ambitions and or spending.

Friday, June 26, 2009


What a laugh! The United States could survive an attack by Iran or N. Korea, but I doubt very seriously if we will survive this attack by the Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.



Taxes and regulation, and too much government spending, have turned California into a business and jobs wasteland, and thereby puts us in bankruptcy.

I keep hearing how our "best and brightest" go to Washington, to run our government, but I can't see how that could possibly be.

In 1 hour, studying California alone, even someone from the public school system could figure out that the Democratic federal agenda would do nothing but re-create the "success" of California for the entire country.

Or, is that what you guys are trying to accomplish? Are you actually working for the Chinese? The Arabs? The Russians? Who is it? It certainly isn't the American people!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Boy, I'm betting Obama is just a little jealous of his friends, the leaders of Iran. I bet he just can't sleep, watching those pictures on television, and fantasizing about his own shock troops, bashing Tea Baggers, NRA members, Christians, Israelis, anti-abortion activists, Rupert Murdoch, and waving his own little club in the air, whooping and hollering. I wonder how his wife gets any sleep at all. I wonder, does he wear a little crown, once all the Secret Service guys take-off? Imagine, if he could just kill all the people who speak out against his plans for utter domination, and complete transformation of the nation.


So, anyone out there remember a little party called the Reign of Terror? Anyway, so, these French people got all pissed off at the monarchy (see: government), because their lifestyle and their ambitions were so great that they reduced the standard of living of the average French non-government worker to poverty and starvation, and one day these starving and angry French people dragged a bunch of these wasteful and high-living government workers and "leaders" out into the streets, and gave them really short haircuts. I mean, dude, it seems to me that the Democrats and the Imperial bureaucracy of Prince Obama might have missed that class, back when they were in public schools. Everyone is talking about the fate of the GOP. That's funny, because by the time Obama's spending and borrowing orgy is over, I'm thinking the American people are going to be looking for some serious payback themselves.

Obama's health site seeking 'nightmares'

Obama's health site seeking 'nightmares'

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My late father died from backpain, because he was on Medicare, administered through Secure Horizons, and the lack of choice of doctors, and the red tape, resulted in his death. My father died of a sore back, because the inept doctor he was forced to see wasn't available to deal with a mistake he had made, and because the "system" took too long for my mother and I to get him in the care of a different doctor. So, my dad died of a drug overdose at the hands of government health care. Government can't educate little kids. Anyone who thinks they can deliver efficient or effective medical care is an idiot, and anyone who proposes it is a criminal. How about forcing all government workers and elected officials into Medicare, using "clearing houses" like Secure Horizon, for a test period of five years. If, after that test period, all of them agree that their NEW medical coverage is better than their OLD system, regular citizens could have the option of joining them. Maybe, if enough government workers and politicians died, like my dad did, we could balance the budget.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


OK, are you people fucking crazy? I watched both of my parents die horrible deaths on Medicare. I don't have any medical insurance right now, but I'm not stupid enough to want to ascribe to THAT system. Are you nuts? You get "lowest bid" doctors and non-English-speaking medical staff, right up until the time the died. SO, if that's what Obama has in mind, for everyone's medical insurance, I say, EFF YOU! How about, put every low-wage earner's "deductions" toward Blue Cross, and their next "upgrade" of income deductions toward Social Security, and fuck their "returns". EVERYBODY has a right to live, and to medical insurance, and food, and car insurance, and THEN they should pay for government. After that, the government should have to live within the actual cost of doing our business, and if they can't, they should lay-off their employees to match the real, private sector economy. No more "financing" their lifestyle!

Friday, June 19, 2009


With several cities in Iran reporting voter turn-out at higher than actual population rates, it appears the ACORN has opened some overseas offices, OR, it seems that ACORN represents a Third World style political organization, kinda like Illinois. OH, didn't Obama arise out of those systems? Maybe that's why he acts like a Third World dictator, eh? "MAYBE"? NOT!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


What if, instead of being completely unrelated to Kim Jong Il's impending ballistic missile launch, the freighter, Kang Nam, is actually the primary delivery platform for a nuclear strike, or a secondary platform to the missile, or in fact, merely some kind of nuclear insurance policy, just in case the US or UN actually interfere in either's mission? Surely, a freighter would be a far more reliable delivery system, and capable of carrying a far bigger payload, than a missile of questionable range and/or reliability. What if he truly intends on making good on his threat, to treat any action against an asset of N. Korea as an act of war? Perhaps the freighter is the means with which be intends to respond?

N. Korea contemplating a missile launch toward Alaska?

I know that Barack Obama and Kim Jong Il share a lot of political beliefs, and I'm sure Obama envies the N. Korean dictator his political free-hand, but having his maniacal Asian buddy nuke Juneau, just because Alaska's governor is a little critical of his policies, seems a little harsh. If it works, watch-out Fox News Channel!


If Barack Obama is going to borrow trillions and trillions of dollars on the tab of the American people, then he should stop handing it out to his supporters, and start mailing those dollars out to the poor bastards who are going to have to pay it back. If he doesn't he's a thief, because there is no more reason to expect our present day government to do any better job at managing them, or "investing" them, than the crooks and fools who have run our nation and its economy into the ground already. At least, if the people get the money, they'll be able to enjoy it, and benefit from it, instead of merely being responsible for paying it back, and suffering a lower standard of living at the hands of this maniac and his co-conspirators. Hell, why not just take 20% of the money these people are talking about, and giving it out in $1 million small business grants, in some form of lottery? 'Ya think we'd get a few new jobs out of that? If we give the money to the government, all we'll get out of it is more government, and more government employees to support in perpetuity.


What exactly is it that the government DOES do well? If they can't deliver the mail, can't control the borders, can't control crimes, can't balance a budget, and can't tell the truth, what reasonable person would think they could do a good job educating children, or administering health services? You know, the inability to accept reality, after being shown it, over and over, is a sign of insanity. Don't confuse the political ambition and defense of their jobs with any real concern for your children, your health, your life or, more importantly, your freedom.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate

Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate

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"Global Warming" and the carbon issue are both nonsense, but here's just ONE contradiction to the Left's fantasy about controlling every aspect of human life. On one hand, they say we should exploit solar energy with our houses, using solar panels, and solar water heaters, which are black, and hot, and on the other hand, they say we should paint our roofs WHITE, because white is cool and reflective. They promise us jobs, and they create regulations and taxation that guarantee no sane investor will risk capital to build a factory or start a high employment business in this country. If the people of the United States don't take the wind out of Obama's sail, starting in 2010, we'll all be unemployed wards of the state, and enjoying a 3rd world standard of living. Ron Paul is 100% right.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama's National Health Plan

So, let me ask all you a question. When you have to deal with a government agency, do you feel like the people there are your "servants"? Are you in charge? Are they to do your bidding? How would you rate the value you are receiving? If you got "bad service", do you call for a manager and raise hell until they make things right? If they injure you, can you find an attorney, and get compensated for that injury? Is the "customer always right" part of their institutional culture?
Now, apply your answers to how you want your health care handled. Are the American people stupid, or suicidal?

Green Attention Disorder & the Prius

Anyone else out there notice that Prius drivers are brain dead? Is it, people who would buy one, or is it the cars that turn the drivers into morons? Imagine a 90 yr old Asian woman, with 10 kids fighting in the back of her minivan, drinking and smoking, putting on make-up, texting on her phone, and eating a Big Mac, at night, without her glasses. Got the image? Well, everybody who drives a Prius is worse.