Thursday, September 17, 2009
Once again, my friends, Danielle and I are having to deal with the medical system, because her mom is having a cancer related episode, and had to be put in the hospital. 'Seems like we've been doing this forever, starting with her grandparents, and then my parents, and now her mom. It's exhausting, as those of you in your 40s and 50s are starting to find-out. What strikes me most about our health care system, such as it is, is just how incompetent, lazy, stupid and disorganized these people are, and how much we pay them to do such a bad job. Sure, there are well educated and skilled "experts", capable of amazing things, but once you're in the system, you quickly realize, it's not a "system" at all. Insurance providers can't communicate with each other. Doctors don't communicate with each other, or their staffs, or hospital staffs, or the patients, or the patients families. Medical staff, if they speak English, don't know anything, and can't make decisions, so most patients would probably be better served in a luxury hotel, where they could, at least, order and receive a hot meal. Nobody knows all the things a patient is being treated for, or whom their being treated by, or what medications they are taking, or those they shouldn't be taking, or anything else about the patient, and they can't, or won't, communicate with friends/family enough to FIND OUT anything important about the patient's situation. It's a nightmare! Obviously, an idiot could come up with better methods of taking care of our health, and saving scads of money by making it better, and faster, and less brutalizing, but the one thing I am absolutely sure of is, that that IDIOT shouldn't be the government, because those are idiots who have proven, over and over, for decades, that they are absolutely incapable of making any bad situation better, and/or doing it in a way that doesn't lead to absolute economic disaster. Then, we'd take a flawed system, and let people who have no incentive to do anything but put in their 20 years, doing the least amount possible, or who are interested in benefiting from the corruption that their authority naturally offers-up. So, to Mr. Obama, and his co-conspirators in Congress, I say, "Thanks, but no thanks!" You guys make our lives miserable enough as it is. We don't need you making an already bad situation worse, and robbing us of more of our money, and freedom, while doing it.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
If Medicare and Social Security can't be paid for, and will soon go bankrupt, why would anyone in their right mind give the green light for our federal government to create a new entitlement program/agency/bureaucracy/economic black hole? If we can't afford the amount of government we already have, how would creating an even bigger government work? If they can't perform the tasks they already charge us to, "on our behalf", what would make any sane person believe that they will do "health care" right, or on a budget? I know that the American people have been dumbed-down in school systems that have been run by that same inept government, but are we really so stupid to believe these people AGAIN??? They can't educate our kids, or give us good transportation systems, or protect our borders, or take care of our old people, or deliver the mail, or manage our economy, or protect us from criminals, etc., etc., etc. Government is what's wrong with America, not what's going to fix it! If you want to make this a better place to live, with more promise, and a higher standard of living, vote out the people who are pushing for more of the cancer that's killing us! It's that simple! California has been taken down the toilet by Democrats, and faux Republican governors. Do all Americans want to join us in the Third World? Reject Obama and the liberals in Congress, and take back your freedom. No more Democrats, and no more RINOS. Vote conservative, Independent or Libertarian, but no more of the DNC/American Communist Party.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
ARNOLD, SACRAMENTO and the fall of California
Dear CARB,
As someone who lost their job, in no small part as a result of your agency's idiotic and counterproductive regulations, I would like to take this opportunity to point out how California's government, more than any other factor, has lead to the economic problems that the state is now suffering from. This is but a single example of government's negative impact on our lives.
With a single example, I can show just how destructive your agency has been, both to the lives of thousands of citizens, but also to the very government that created you.
How many millions of dollars has the State of California not collected, from sales taxes and license fees, because your agency hasn't approved Indian motorcycles to be sold in this state? Let's say, two thousand bikes, at approximately $33,000 per unit? I'm guessing, but I put that loss to the state coffers at about $6.6 million.
But the stupidity and the economic injury doesn't stop there, oh no! Because, not only did you prevent those sales from happening, you prevented the sale of many millions of dollars of clothing, boots, tools, trailers, helmets, gloves, bungie cords, tie-down straps, pins, sun glasses, bandanas, trucks, lifts, t-bags, calendars, the list is endless, but also includes after market performance products and paint jobs, that sometimes double the actual price of the motorcycles, so you probably choked on another $6 million of sales tax, but not allowing someone to buy those motorcycles.
But the damage doesn't stop there, my friends, no indeed, because you also didn't get the income taxes from the people who sell and service those bikes, or who make those goodies, or who warehouse those goodies, or who deliver those goodies.
Are you starting to get the picture? Probably not, but at this point, being one of your victims, I'm going to make it perfectly clear. You people are a menace.
Now, if you extrapolate this economic effect out, over several brands of vehicles, and include your regulations against after market exhaust systems and performance equipment, even a bureaucrat should be able to understand the catastrophic effects you are having on our state, and national economy.
And, guess what! Your regs aren't just hurting the motorcycle industry, not by a long shot. Because, when you discourage the aforementioned activities/sales, you also reduce the enthusiasm for the sports, that means you are taking food out of the mouths of the children of the people who work in the restaurants, hotels, gas stations, convention centers, etc., all along the routes these people take while enjoying their motorcycles.
So, when I see the people in Sacramento, our (laughing) "representatives", and the California State Employees Union spokes people, complaining that they aren't getting enough money, it's pretty hard not to use profanity while writing to you.
For the economic activity that motorcycles, and other recreation vehicles, create, if they burned coal, like old locomotives, they wouldn't create enough pollution to justify your agency's policies. Frankly, the state would be better-off if we closed your agency, and had NO regulations on these types of vehicles, any way you look at it.
In light of this political and economic reality, it seems only reasonable that politicians and bureaucrats in Sacramento should be targeted for replacement in the earliest possible elections, and that every effort be made by industry publications and spokespeople to enlighten the people/voters of California as to the bottom-line impact your agency is having on our collective lives.
Eric Robinson
Huntington Beach, CA
As someone who lost their job, in no small part as a result of your agency's idiotic and counterproductive regulations, I would like to take this opportunity to point out how California's government, more than any other factor, has lead to the economic problems that the state is now suffering from. This is but a single example of government's negative impact on our lives.
With a single example, I can show just how destructive your agency has been, both to the lives of thousands of citizens, but also to the very government that created you.
How many millions of dollars has the State of California not collected, from sales taxes and license fees, because your agency hasn't approved Indian motorcycles to be sold in this state? Let's say, two thousand bikes, at approximately $33,000 per unit? I'm guessing, but I put that loss to the state coffers at about $6.6 million.
But the stupidity and the economic injury doesn't stop there, oh no! Because, not only did you prevent those sales from happening, you prevented the sale of many millions of dollars of clothing, boots, tools, trailers, helmets, gloves, bungie cords, tie-down straps, pins, sun glasses, bandanas, trucks, lifts, t-bags, calendars, the list is endless, but also includes after market performance products and paint jobs, that sometimes double the actual price of the motorcycles, so you probably choked on another $6 million of sales tax, but not allowing someone to buy those motorcycles.
But the damage doesn't stop there, my friends, no indeed, because you also didn't get the income taxes from the people who sell and service those bikes, or who make those goodies, or who warehouse those goodies, or who deliver those goodies.
Are you starting to get the picture? Probably not, but at this point, being one of your victims, I'm going to make it perfectly clear. You people are a menace.
Now, if you extrapolate this economic effect out, over several brands of vehicles, and include your regulations against after market exhaust systems and performance equipment, even a bureaucrat should be able to understand the catastrophic effects you are having on our state, and national economy.
And, guess what! Your regs aren't just hurting the motorcycle industry, not by a long shot. Because, when you discourage the aforementioned activities/sales, you also reduce the enthusiasm for the sports, that means you are taking food out of the mouths of the children of the people who work in the restaurants, hotels, gas stations, convention centers, etc., all along the routes these people take while enjoying their motorcycles.
So, when I see the people in Sacramento, our (laughing) "representatives", and the California State Employees Union spokes people, complaining that they aren't getting enough money, it's pretty hard not to use profanity while writing to you.
For the economic activity that motorcycles, and other recreation vehicles, create, if they burned coal, like old locomotives, they wouldn't create enough pollution to justify your agency's policies. Frankly, the state would be better-off if we closed your agency, and had NO regulations on these types of vehicles, any way you look at it.
In light of this political and economic reality, it seems only reasonable that politicians and bureaucrats in Sacramento should be targeted for replacement in the earliest possible elections, and that every effort be made by industry publications and spokespeople to enlighten the people/voters of California as to the bottom-line impact your agency is having on our collective lives.
Eric Robinson
Huntington Beach, CA
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Feds vs UBS
I guess Swiss banking giant, UBS, and US federal regulators have come to some kind of a settlement, wherein the bank will disclose the names of American clients holding accounts offshore, so they can be fined and/or prosecuted. Most news agencies report this as some kind of victory for the country, but we should never be so naive as to confuse the government of the United States' interests with those of the American people.
This, along with coming Obama tax hikes and regulations, will only serve to convince the wealthy to actually leave the country, and to take the economic power of their money elsewhere. Just like most things the Democrats do, IRS's policies will only end-up hurting the average American, by sending companies and jobs overseas, and driving what capital that does stay into passive situations. If the wealthy don't trust the government, or feel unwelcome in a country, the leave, and they take prosperity with them. I wonder who the Democrats actually work for.
This, along with coming Obama tax hikes and regulations, will only serve to convince the wealthy to actually leave the country, and to take the economic power of their money elsewhere. Just like most things the Democrats do, IRS's policies will only end-up hurting the average American, by sending companies and jobs overseas, and driving what capital that does stay into passive situations. If the wealthy don't trust the government, or feel unwelcome in a country, the leave, and they take prosperity with them. I wonder who the Democrats actually work for.
Fox Business Channel,
Swiss Banks,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
OBAMA, the Post Office, and the Truth
My God, is there ANYTHING this guy won't say to get what he wants? Now his "public option" isn't going to be subsidized, and will compete with the private sector with price and quality? I think this guy is psychotic! He tries to make his point, about the effectiveness of a proposed government agency/program by pointing out that another government agency can't operate effectively or efficiently, and compete with two private sector service providers? OH, but I guess in his world, health care is so much simpler than delivering an envelope or box???? This guy is either the biggest idiot on earth, or else he thinks the American people are, and assumes his minions in the media will somehow BS us into believing him. I'm going to toss out an idea. How about a postage stamp, in his honor, using that Joker Poster image as the design?
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Cuban people have socialized medicine, and a brutal totalitarian government, and they can't afford toilet paper. HEY, that kinda sounds like where Obama is taking us, doesn't it? We'll be too broke to afford food, or toilet paper, and if we talk out against the government, Obama will send union thugs over to shut your mouth - or worse - but we'll have free government medical care. I wonder if the Castro family have the same kind of medical care that the average Jose gets from their "Public Option".
Nationlized Health Care,
Public Option,
Where'd all these Americans come from?
Imagine the surprise, disappointment and irritation the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress are experiencing from those pesky Americans daring to say that they don't want socialized medicine.
Nationlized Health Care,
Socialized Medicine
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Was this guy a prophet?
OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT - watch more funny videos
Take a moment and compare the various news outlets on cable television these days - with the sound off. Most of the people on CNN, MSNBC and the like look like someone in the studio has gas, or like they just got a letter from their spouse's divorce attorney, and when you turn on the sound, you'd think you're listening to someone try to housebreak a stupid puppy. I'm not kidding, these people are a-holes, and they're the most condescending a-holes I've ever seen. Then, turn to FoxNews, or Fox Business Channel, and repeat the same steps. The news is the same, and the disaster of an economy is the same, but the people are different. Most of them are smiling, and even if they are disagreeing with a guest, most of the time they are pleasant, they seem to genuinely like the people they work with, and they seem happy to be alive. They look like someone you'd enjoy having lunch with, or being related to, or discussing the issues with, and it's the same, whether the sound is on or off. I don't agree with all of them, but there isn't one of them that I have the desire to give a good smack in the mouth, and I can't say that about most of the people on the other networks. The Fox people act like they are looking out for the American people, and the newsies on the other channels appear only to be fronting for the Democrats, and the Obama Administration, and let the nation and her economy be damned. I'm a conservative, sometimes Republican, but first I'm an American, and I want my news source to be "American", so FoxNews and the Fox Business Channel are where I tend to land. It's kinda like, Who'd ya rather spend the day with, your loving mother, or your bitter, aging, spinster aunt. The weather will be the same, so enough with the sour face already!
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK: In a not-so surprising statement, CNN and MSNBC have announced their intentions to merge, in a three-way, with the White House, to create a new national "Trust Me!" Ministry that will be called MSDNC, under a new "Truth Czar", Michael Moore.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
OBAMA GIVES $2.4B in awards for electric vehicles
So, I'm assuming that, since these electric vehicles will reduce our need to consume fossil fuels, our beloved leader has discovered some miraculous, previously unknown source of electricity? No, wait, let me think! Ah, he's going to put the obese into forced pedaling camps, where they can generate electricity and lose weight at the same time, on little exercise machines? Right on, Comrade Obama! OK, so, if I get an electric vehicle, and I install solar panels to charge them, and I no longer pay fuel taxes to the government, what is he going to tax me for doing, to make up the loss of revenue?
Electric Vehicles,
energy independence,
Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts!
My late father raised me to listen to all sides, and then to compare that people said to facts, history, and to what I [knew] to be true, from my own experience. What he failed to tell me was, that it's not always the smart thing to express, especially when you are attending an American institution of higher learning, an oversight that made my stint at university something less than a blazing success. In any event, his "Question Authority" doctrine of living one's life did leave me with a pretty clear understanding of the universe, even if it didn't get me a degree.
My father spent some time in military counter intelligence during the Korean War, and some time in law enforcement, and he had a degree in police science, so he was pretty clear on how things work, and about who was doing what in our system.
"Spanky", as I affectionately called him, told me that the Democratic Party had been dominated by the communists for decades, and that that fact actually led him to give-up a career in Army Intel, because he had seen "Democrats" take direct steps to protect certain communist party members that he had investigated, and had encountered situations that indicated to him that people within his agency had disclosed his work, and his reports, to Democratic political figures, who then put pressure on him to stop investigating the people who were engaged in activities of the Communist Party, here in the United States.
So, as I grew up and studied history, and political science, and the world around me, the actions and policies of Democratic politicians and bureaucrats has never surprised or dumbfounded me, because I've known all along what their underlying ideology was, and had I held their views, and had their goals, I would have acted in a similar way. "Liberals" are merely communists who don't want people to know they are communists, but they always promote laws and regulations, and agencies, that help them promote an eventual conversion of our system to a communist system, AND, whenever you mention "communist", or "socialist", their method is to scoff, and to ridicule, and to call you a conspiracy monger, and to deny that communism exists in this country, and that, even if it did, it was simply an enlightened world-view, and not a criminal political conspiracy and organization. In other words, "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist."
— Charles Baudelaire
If people like can shine a light on this political fungus, and open the eyes of the American people to the Truth, and we can prevent Obama from institutionalizing his economic, social and political agenda for one, and then two more years, it's possible that a great victory can be won by a newly "conservative" GOP, or perhaps a third party, and by the American people, if that new party takes the necessary steps to strip-away the institutions of socialism, and to restore the freedom that the Left has stolen from them over the decades, once and for all.
We cannot simply "compromise" American liberty any longer, allowing the Left to take 10% each year, and then brag about how we've defended the American people. In fact, if you compromise 10% each year, in ten years you have successfully "defended" away ALL of your freedom. It is time for the American people to start TAKING back their Bill of Rights, and their Constitution, and start persecuting and prosecuting the usurpers and traitors who have transgressed against us. If we do not, and soon, any real Americans left in N. America better start thinking about secession, or emigration, to secure for our future a safe haven for American liberty, against the onslaught of one-world government, and a return to the norm of history, tyranny.
When Barack Obama and the Left tell you they are going to give you something for nothing, they are lying. When they tell you that they are going to create jobs with higher taxes and more regulations, they are lying. When they tell your children are going to get a better education in their system, that has failed generations of Americans in the past, if you will only give them more money, they are lying. If they tell you they want a strong America, they are lying. If they tell you that the government can deliver [better] health care than the private sector, they are lying. This is NOT about YOU. This is NOT about AMERICA. This is about them, their beliefs, and their very anti-American political goals.
Maybe the Democrats should change their party symbol, from a Donkey, to a Trojan Horse.
My father spent some time in military counter intelligence during the Korean War, and some time in law enforcement, and he had a degree in police science, so he was pretty clear on how things work, and about who was doing what in our system.
"Spanky", as I affectionately called him, told me that the Democratic Party had been dominated by the communists for decades, and that that fact actually led him to give-up a career in Army Intel, because he had seen "Democrats" take direct steps to protect certain communist party members that he had investigated, and had encountered situations that indicated to him that people within his agency had disclosed his work, and his reports, to Democratic political figures, who then put pressure on him to stop investigating the people who were engaged in activities of the Communist Party, here in the United States.
So, as I grew up and studied history, and political science, and the world around me, the actions and policies of Democratic politicians and bureaucrats has never surprised or dumbfounded me, because I've known all along what their underlying ideology was, and had I held their views, and had their goals, I would have acted in a similar way. "Liberals" are merely communists who don't want people to know they are communists, but they always promote laws and regulations, and agencies, that help them promote an eventual conversion of our system to a communist system, AND, whenever you mention "communist", or "socialist", their method is to scoff, and to ridicule, and to call you a conspiracy monger, and to deny that communism exists in this country, and that, even if it did, it was simply an enlightened world-view, and not a criminal political conspiracy and organization. In other words, "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist."
— Charles Baudelaire
If people like can shine a light on this political fungus, and open the eyes of the American people to the Truth, and we can prevent Obama from institutionalizing his economic, social and political agenda for one, and then two more years, it's possible that a great victory can be won by a newly "conservative" GOP, or perhaps a third party, and by the American people, if that new party takes the necessary steps to strip-away the institutions of socialism, and to restore the freedom that the Left has stolen from them over the decades, once and for all.
We cannot simply "compromise" American liberty any longer, allowing the Left to take 10% each year, and then brag about how we've defended the American people. In fact, if you compromise 10% each year, in ten years you have successfully "defended" away ALL of your freedom. It is time for the American people to start TAKING back their Bill of Rights, and their Constitution, and start persecuting and prosecuting the usurpers and traitors who have transgressed against us. If we do not, and soon, any real Americans left in N. America better start thinking about secession, or emigration, to secure for our future a safe haven for American liberty, against the onslaught of one-world government, and a return to the norm of history, tyranny.
When Barack Obama and the Left tell you they are going to give you something for nothing, they are lying. When they tell you that they are going to create jobs with higher taxes and more regulations, they are lying. When they tell your children are going to get a better education in their system, that has failed generations of Americans in the past, if you will only give them more money, they are lying. If they tell you they want a strong America, they are lying. If they tell you that the government can deliver [better] health care than the private sector, they are lying. This is NOT about YOU. This is NOT about AMERICA. This is about them, their beliefs, and their very anti-American political goals.
Maybe the Democrats should change their party symbol, from a Donkey, to a Trojan Horse.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Read My Lips! I'm not trying to impose Socialism on America! I'm not a liar! I'm not a communist! I'm a lawyer. I'm from Chicago. I'm a "Community Organizer", like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. All my friends and associates are communists and radicals, but I'm as American as apple pie, and I love capitalism, and American freedom, and private property, and the Bill of Rights. We can borrow and spend our way out of bankruptcy. I'm not trying to nationalize the health system of the United States. I don't want to own the auto industry, or the banks, or the energy industry, or the manufacturing industry, or all other industries, I just want to have complete control over all aspects of them, and to be able to regulate and/or tax them into complete compliance with my will. But I don't want to "OWN" them! Now, turn to MSNBC, or CNN, so my news bitches can lie to you some more, I'm on a conference call with Fidel!
Chris Matthews,
Health Insurance,
Keith Olbermann,
Socialized Medicine
Friday, July 31, 2009
After watching and listening to our glorious leader, Barack Obama, for eight months, I am starting to understand his vision for the future. Imagine this. We will have millions of young people serving their National Service stints, working in National Soup Kitchens, feeding the hungry, unemployed - but grateful - masses a hearty broth made from the bodies of old people, who have been pragmatically allowed to die by the National Health Service, seasoned with the stems and seeds from the National Pot Farms. Think of the problems that will have been solved by this system alone! We keep the young people busy, we keep the masses fed, and numbed to their new lives, and we keep the numbers of them pesky old geezers down to an acceptable level, leaving lots and lots of money and assets available for the enjoyment of government employees and "elected officials". Oh, and for the court of our glorious leader, King Barack I!
Cap and Trade,
Nationlized Health Care,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
If ObamaCare passes, someone should form an internet registry through which American doctors can find jobs in other countries, where they will be able to earn more money. Big oil producing countries, and manufacturing countries, or those with large financial sectors, where the population has private insurance, or simply lots of money, will be able to get turn-key, top notch doctors, would be more than willing to pay for them to relocate, while Americans will get substandard doctors from foreign countries, who are willing to work for our government health system, like the doctors and health care workers that Medicare patients routinely get now. We've allowed the liberals to drive-off millions of manufacturing jobs, and now we're going to let them drive away our doctors. Wouldn't it make more sense to just do things that encourage more business, and more manufacturing, so more people will become good doctors, and more people can afford to have first-rate medical care?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let me ask everyone something. If I told you, you don't have enough money to buy a new car, and that you can't even pay for the car you already drive, or afford to make your house payment, or pay your utility bills, what would make you think it's a good idea to go out and buy a new Rolls Royce? Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, to name just some govt. programs, don't balance. We aren't paying for them. You know, they put Bernie Madoff in prison for running a Ponzi scheme? Now, before we fix any of those MONUMENTAL problems, the Democrats are trying to create a new one! Do you think that's smart? If we can't afford the ones we already have? How will that work? Money and numbers don't behave differently, just because the numbers of zeros we're talking about start multiplying, and if we'll go broke under our existing entitlement programs within a few years, adding another entitlement program will only hasten our demise. THAT is the truth. No matter what Obama or Pelosi say, politicians lie, numbers can't. The ONLY thing that they will accomplish, by creating a government run health insurance scheme is, to put millions of Americans into ANOTHER substandard health program, destroy a large portion of our economy, cost us millions of jobs, AND put a lot of money into the hands of their political supporters, just like they did with the Financial Bailout, and the Auto Bailout, and all these "Czars", and the resulting bureaucracies. Write your "representative", and ask them why they aren't volunteering to join such a system, in a short term test program, to see how it works, before they try and put the taxpayers into such a program, and bury the entire nation in more debt. Don't you test medicine, or products, before you commit to their manufacture and sale? Obama and the Democrats think you are stupid. Don't prove them correct. Let all of them know, that if they support these huge programs, you'll vote them out of THEIR job, starting next year. Spreading poverty to all Americans is NOT equality.
Cap and Trade,
Health Care,
Medical Insurance,
State Taxes,
Friday, July 17, 2009
So, did the old commie leave all of his money to the IRS? I think we should set a cap on earnings at $500K per year, and then confiscate all trusts and endowments, and all bank accounts deemed "excessive", and all property and securities that are deemed excessive, and use use them to pay for Obama's Health Plan, and his Cap and Trade Plan, and all the other "Fairness" policies he can dream up. Of course, that would mean all those Hollywood bigwigs, and all the Ivy League schools, and all the liberal "philanthropic trusts" would be forced to live like us peasants. Yep, I think we should even the playing field, and make everyone equal.
Ivy League,
Mainstream Media,
Walter Cronkite
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
When is MSNBC going to get rid of that silly peacock, and replace it with a portrait of Barack Obama? I think having him sitting at his desk, in the Oval Office, with Keith, Chris and Rachel kneeling under the desk would be perfect, and so appropriate.
Chris Matthews,
Ed Show,
Keith Olbermann,
Rachel Maddow
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Dear CTA,
Being a California native, I've grown-up watching your guys' act, and after analyzing your fundamental political positions on virtually every topic, I use your television ads as a quick guide which way to vote. I consider your organization to be a form of institutional organized crime, and it is my belief that you are largely responsible for the economic situation the state now finds itself in. Your resistance to quality and accountability have resulted in generations of Californians receiving sub-standard educations, inflicting incalculable economic damage to your victims, and to our society on the whole. Were I the Attorney General, I'd be prosecuting you for your crimes.
Being a California native, I've grown-up watching your guys' act, and after analyzing your fundamental political positions on virtually every topic, I use your television ads as a quick guide which way to vote. I consider your organization to be a form of institutional organized crime, and it is my belief that you are largely responsible for the economic situation the state now finds itself in. Your resistance to quality and accountability have resulted in generations of Californians receiving sub-standard educations, inflicting incalculable economic damage to your victims, and to our society on the whole. Were I the Attorney General, I'd be prosecuting you for your crimes.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
When you see and hear liberals scoff at being called socialists, communists or Marxists, stop to consider the policies they pursue, think about the old adage, about something that quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, and looks like a duck, being a duck, and remember these words.
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) wrote, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) wrote, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.”
Cap and Trade,
Chris Matthews,
Climat Change,
Global Warning,
Keith Olbermann,
Rachel Maddow,
BHO at the G8
Oh, the irony! We had an [American?] President in Europe, trying to talk the European leaders into being more socialist, while they are trying to prevent adding to the historical problems that socialism has given Europe, by not going overboard on govt. spending and regulations - high unemployment, stifled investment and industrial activity. Apparently, for all his "education", Barry didn't quite catch-on to that historical lesson. But then, economic performance in the US isn't as important to his political belief system as central authority and control, is it? Josef Stalin didn't care that his collectivism policies and central planning killed millions of Soviet citizens, because he had social and political goals were more important than the happiness or lives of individuals, and Obama is cut from the same cloth.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I am getting so fed-up hearing about Greenhouse Gases, and Global Climate Change, and listening to politicians, bureaucrats and "scientists" coming-up with a never ending list of ways to separate me from my freedom and my money, I am just about ready to scream! How about, if liberals want to try and control the world's climate, let THEM do it, and they just leave everyone else out of their little fantasy? If they want to rely solely on solar or wind energy, let them. If they want to pay higher taxes, let them. If they want to ride mass transit, let them. If they want to drive crappy little death boxes, I'm all good with that too. These people are political and financial criminals, and religious fanatics, and they should be removed from positions where they can impose their beliefs on others, and where they can steal public funds.
alternative energy,
Climat Change,
greenhouse gases,
I wonder if she's going to wear her old Che Guevara t-shirt, from college. Yep, it's going to be fun! I can just see Obama on TV now, telling the American people how he's forming a multi-national force, with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, to put Zelaya back in power. I wonder how many American troops would go for THAT. 'Silly conservative talk show hosts, suggesting that Obama and his comrades are Marxists!
Secretary of State,
Can you imagine what our enemies must be thinking? They are testing nukes, and firing missiles, and murdering their citizens, and spying on us, and plotting terrorist attacks against us, our economy is in the tank, our government is running wild, but our national media is effectively blacked-out from real news, as they cover the death of a pervert entertainer? No wonder nobody takes us seriously, we're a nation of idiots!
Al Quaeda,
King of Pop,
Michael Jackson,
N. Korea,
pop culture,
You know, I've been observing politics in this country for a long time, and I'm used to the Left vilifying conservatives they think might threaten their goals, but this whole Sarah Palin episode has them absolutely frothing at the mouth, and I don't get it. I keep hearing people call her stupid, and say that she has no clue, or no experience, or whatever, and I'm stunned. Excuse me! The guy in the White House was a "community organizer", and got elected through the Illinois political machine? Hell, people, he's Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, and everyone is acting like the guy is Einstein! He's not! He read some well written speeches, but since he got the job, I haven't heard or seen anything from him to suggest that he is anything but an average intellect. Simply being liberal doesn't raise your IQ! In fact, I'm starting to think that liberals have one of two problems. Either they are stupid, or they are insane, because to continue to cling to political, economic and social policies that have proven, for almost a century, to be complete failures, you have to be one or the other. They can't actually all be working for our enemies, can they? That's the only other reasonable explanation.
Anyway, back to Sarah Palin. Excuse me, again, but, from a historical perspective, all the "best and brightest" from our "elite" Eastern universities who have been running our government for some time now have done a pretty crappy job, wouldn't you agree? I mean, what part of total screw-ups doesn't everyone get? What HAVE they done right? We're broke, our education system is a failure, our infrastructural system is obsolete, our criminal justice system is a joke, we can't secure our borders, we can't stop exporting jobs, etc., etc., etc. What exactly do they teach at the Ivy League schools? Stupidity and incompetence? Drug usage? Corruption? Yeah, we better watch out for that Sarah Palin bitch, she probably didn't take any of those classes in college!
Al-Freakin'-Gore went to Harvard and Vanderbuilt! Bill Clinton went to Georgetown, Oxford and Yale! Jimmy Carter had a fine educational pedigree! Yeah, all of them turned-out to be great leaders, didn't they? The two Bush Boys were Yale guys. Yep, you're right, we had some great strides forward under ALL their terms, didn't we?
So, what's the beef with Palin? Let me see, hmmm. Well, had she run for Prez, instead of McCain, and been elected, she probably wouldn't have been trying to nationalize our medical system, so the federal government could screw that up, and she probably wouldn't have nationalised GM and Chrysler. Oh, and she wouldn't be trying to screw the American economy into the ground with Crap and Trade, and regulate every aspect of our lives. Hmm, what else? She probably wouldn't have nationalised most of our financial sector, and she probably wouldn't have been kissing-ass on Castro, Chavez and Ortega, and selling-out the peoples of Honduras, Iran, N. Korea and other struggling nations around the world. OH, and we'd be developing REAL energy policies, that help raise our standard of living, and reduce the cost of energy, instead of guarantying the income of OPEC for generations through idiotic "GREEN" policies. She probably wouldn't have her people trying to undermine the Second Amendment.
Hell, there are probably lots of things she wouldn't be trying to tax, regulate or ban. What a crazy bitch!
I think her biggest problem with the mainstream media, and the liberal elites in this country is, someone might actually confuse her with being an AMERICAN.
Anyway, back to Sarah Palin. Excuse me, again, but, from a historical perspective, all the "best and brightest" from our "elite" Eastern universities who have been running our government for some time now have done a pretty crappy job, wouldn't you agree? I mean, what part of total screw-ups doesn't everyone get? What HAVE they done right? We're broke, our education system is a failure, our infrastructural system is obsolete, our criminal justice system is a joke, we can't secure our borders, we can't stop exporting jobs, etc., etc., etc. What exactly do they teach at the Ivy League schools? Stupidity and incompetence? Drug usage? Corruption? Yeah, we better watch out for that Sarah Palin bitch, she probably didn't take any of those classes in college!
Al-Freakin'-Gore went to Harvard and Vanderbuilt! Bill Clinton went to Georgetown, Oxford and Yale! Jimmy Carter had a fine educational pedigree! Yeah, all of them turned-out to be great leaders, didn't they? The two Bush Boys were Yale guys. Yep, you're right, we had some great strides forward under ALL their terms, didn't we?
So, what's the beef with Palin? Let me see, hmmm. Well, had she run for Prez, instead of McCain, and been elected, she probably wouldn't have been trying to nationalize our medical system, so the federal government could screw that up, and she probably wouldn't have nationalised GM and Chrysler. Oh, and she wouldn't be trying to screw the American economy into the ground with Crap and Trade, and regulate every aspect of our lives. Hmm, what else? She probably wouldn't have nationalised most of our financial sector, and she probably wouldn't have been kissing-ass on Castro, Chavez and Ortega, and selling-out the peoples of Honduras, Iran, N. Korea and other struggling nations around the world. OH, and we'd be developing REAL energy policies, that help raise our standard of living, and reduce the cost of energy, instead of guarantying the income of OPEC for generations through idiotic "GREEN" policies. She probably wouldn't have her people trying to undermine the Second Amendment.
Hell, there are probably lots of things she wouldn't be trying to tax, regulate or ban. What a crazy bitch!
I think her biggest problem with the mainstream media, and the liberal elites in this country is, someone might actually confuse her with being an AMERICAN.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Americans should take time to find and read our nation's two founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights, and if they have time, the entire Constitution. As our new President and his Congress push their new agendas, it is important for all Americans to understand what our founding fathers said, and to compare Obama's vision of government with that of the people who actually created our nation. The differences are staggering, and if you stop to think that one group of people was trying to insure future generations would have the most possible future, and they tried to prevent future governments from becoming too powerful, and too intrusive, you will come to understand how out-of-line ours has become over the years, and in particular, since Obama was elected. We are in serious danger of losing our freedom, and of having our nation collapse under the weight and intrusion of this new mega-government.
4h of July,
Bill of Rights,
Cap and Trade,
Fourth of July,
Health Care,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Arizona Considers Plan to Opt Out of Federal Health Care
Amazing, six months in office, and Obama and his Democratic Congress have already sown the seeds of a Revolution. Uh, People, if you check your history books, you’ll find out that no empire or nation in history has been “too big to fail”. I got an idea, let the liberals have the states without oil, natural gas or coal, because they don’t believe in using those nasty things, and we’ll let them have all the illegal aliens, because they’re such an economic benefit.
Cap and Trade,
Secessionis movements,
Socialized Medicine,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Here's a little secret, for everyone who's worried about the amount of carbon in the air. If you plant a tree, or grow algae, or water your grass, or start a garden, you are recycling carbon, every time the sun rises and sets. It can't be destroyed, just like you can't get energy from nothing, and just like we can't limit the amount of heat that the earth receives. "Sequestering" carbon in bullshit. If you put carbon in the ground, and it's compressed, it will release heat into the earth. The earth's surface receives trillions of BTUs worth of energy from the sun, every year, and that's a fact. Once it gets here, it's here. Some of it warms the surface, and some of it warms the water, and some of it is collected in plant life. As plants shed their leaves, or they die, that biomass decays, and it creates heat, and it releases methane and other hydrocarbon oils, etc., and some plant materials are eaten by animals, and that produces heat, and releases methane, and carbon is stored in their bodies until they die, and then it starts again. If we were smart, we would be smarter about water, and separate more of it from salt, and use plant life to re-capture more carbon, so we could use it for fuel, and we would stop allowing politicians and bureaucrats to use a fairy tale as an excuse to rob us of our money and our freedom.
Cap and Trade,
Climat Change,
Eric Robinson,
Global Warning,
State Taxes
How can Americans watch and listen, as California sinks into the Pacific under the weight of a liberal Democratic government, and then fail to understand that President Obama's policies will result in EXACTLY the same future for the entire country? California got where is has because we have more government than we can afford, PERIOD. That's it! Every time a new agency or new program is created, it has built-in increases in budget, regardless of what the real - private - economy is doing. If govt. budgets grow at 5% per year, but the economy only grows at 2%, what do you think will happen to the State Budget? Yep, in 20 years, the budget (price) grows 100%, but the revenues (income) grows only 20%. So, the government borrows the difference, and it keeps doing this until it can't make the payroll and interest payments anymore, and then we arrive at 2009. GET IT? Wanna know what Obama is proposing? Oh, yeah, that health care thing, and that "Stimulus" thing, and all the nationalization of industries thing. But let me toss this in for you to consider. You know, that "Cap & Trade" thing? Well, it's going to bring in a LOT of tax money, so the government can borrow more money against your future earnings, but there's a fly in the ointment. It's going to make doing business in the US more expensive, and therefore make American products more expensive, so people will buy fewer of them. That'll make American makers of those goods lose business, and either lay-off workers, or go out of business, or move production overseas. So, for a short period of time, those businesses will pay taxes to support Obama's new big government, and you'll pay higher prices for almost everything you buy and use, but as American businesses contract, or leave, guess what's going to happen. The government's appetite for money will still go up at 5+% per year, while the business based revenues will go down, so the government will have to look to someone else as a source of their income. GUESS WHO THAT WILL BE! Don't think so? Take another peek at California, and think again.
Cap and Trade,
Harley Davidson,
Indian Motorcycle,
State Taxes,
Here's a shocker [NOT!] Obama is upset about Honduras ousting a Leftist leader. Good thing he's pulling our troops out of Iraq, so he and Hugo can use them to install Marxist governments throughout the Americas. Don't hand me that "Right-wingers always play the "Marxist" card!". Look at Obama's eyes, and then check-out Chavez' eyes, and then Castro's eyes. That ain't George Washington in there, Baby, it's Josef Stalin.
Monday, June 29, 2009
I know, whenever any politician's lips are moving, you have to be skeptical, but Barack Obama has taken bullshitting to historical levels. He may be the greatest liar in history, making Barnie Madoff pale by comparison. I just caught his take on the Cap & Trade bill in the House, and I was, again, amazed. And, demonstrating just how big this guy's balls are, he cited CALIFORNIA as some kind of model for his philosophy! California is a disaster! Our government has killed more jobs, and caused more shortages, and mismanaged our economy, more than any other state in the union. Oh, and by the way, California's government has been owned by the Democrats for as long as I can remember, and I'm 53. He's right, if you go with the California model, you'll NOT build more electrical generation plants, or any other kind of plant, because the environmental regs in California make manufacturing ANYTHING idiotic. Hell, the California legislature has done more to develop China's economy than it has the American economy! Oh, and that's what Comrade Obama and his co-conspirators in Congress have in mind for the entire country? Good freakin' luck! Here's the truth. If you like the idea of sending good paying jobs to foreign workers, and you like the idea of living from the hand of bureaucrats, Obama's your man. But when you listen to what he says, look into his eyes, and you'll see the soul of a total liar. Cap and Trade will kill jobs, and and raise taxes, and raise your cost of living, and will have no impact on global temperatures.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of s--t' "
Finally, a politician who has the balls to tell the truth. The Democrats have s--t-canned California, and now they are trying to do the same thing to the entire country. This Administration can't think of enough ways to devastate our economy, and give away our standard of living to the Chinese and the Indians. I'm serious when I say, Al Quaeda, N. Korea and Iran combined don't pose as big a threat to the American people as the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress, in state houses around the country, and in the mainstream media. We could survive and recover from any attack they can throw at us, but the debt these "Americans" are putting on our children, and the burden they are going to put on all of us, and all businesses, could lead to the total collapse of our economy, and thereby bring about the failure of the nation. Many nations/empires/kingdoms, throughout history, have come-apart as a result of foolish governments that crushed their peoples' economies with their ambitions and or spending.
Friday, June 26, 2009
What a laugh! The United States could survive an attack by Iran or N. Korea, but I doubt very seriously if we will survive this attack by the Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.
Taxes and regulation, and too much government spending, have turned California into a business and jobs wasteland, and thereby puts us in bankruptcy.
I keep hearing how our "best and brightest" go to Washington, to run our government, but I can't see how that could possibly be.
In 1 hour, studying California alone, even someone from the public school system could figure out that the Democratic federal agenda would do nothing but re-create the "success" of California for the entire country.
Or, is that what you guys are trying to accomplish? Are you actually working for the Chinese? The Arabs? The Russians? Who is it? It certainly isn't the American people!
Taxes and regulation, and too much government spending, have turned California into a business and jobs wasteland, and thereby puts us in bankruptcy.
I keep hearing how our "best and brightest" go to Washington, to run our government, but I can't see how that could possibly be.
In 1 hour, studying California alone, even someone from the public school system could figure out that the Democratic federal agenda would do nothing but re-create the "success" of California for the entire country.
Or, is that what you guys are trying to accomplish? Are you actually working for the Chinese? The Arabs? The Russians? Who is it? It certainly isn't the American people!
Cap and Trade,
Global Warning,
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Boy, I'm betting Obama is just a little jealous of his friends, the leaders of Iran. I bet he just can't sleep, watching those pictures on television, and fantasizing about his own shock troops, bashing Tea Baggers, NRA members, Christians, Israelis, anti-abortion activists, Rupert Murdoch, and waving his own little club in the air, whooping and hollering. I wonder how his wife gets any sleep at all. I wonder, does he wear a little crown, once all the Secret Service guys take-off? Imagine, if he could just kill all the people who speak out against his plans for utter domination, and complete transformation of the nation.
So, anyone out there remember a little party called the Reign of Terror? Anyway, so, these French people got all pissed off at the monarchy (see: government), because their lifestyle and their ambitions were so great that they reduced the standard of living of the average French non-government worker to poverty and starvation, and one day these starving and angry French people dragged a bunch of these wasteful and high-living government workers and "leaders" out into the streets, and gave them really short haircuts. I mean, dude, it seems to me that the Democrats and the Imperial bureaucracy of Prince Obama might have missed that class, back when they were in public schools. Everyone is talking about the fate of the GOP. That's funny, because by the time Obama's spending and borrowing orgy is over, I'm thinking the American people are going to be looking for some serious payback themselves.
Obama's health site seeking 'nightmares'
Obama's health site seeking 'nightmares'
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My late father died from backpain, because he was on Medicare, administered through Secure Horizons, and the lack of choice of doctors, and the red tape, resulted in his death. My father died of a sore back, because the inept doctor he was forced to see wasn't available to deal with a mistake he had made, and because the "system" took too long for my mother and I to get him in the care of a different doctor. So, my dad died of a drug overdose at the hands of government health care. Government can't educate little kids. Anyone who thinks they can deliver efficient or effective medical care is an idiot, and anyone who proposes it is a criminal. How about forcing all government workers and elected officials into Medicare, using "clearing houses" like Secure Horizon, for a test period of five years. If, after that test period, all of them agree that their NEW medical coverage is better than their OLD system, regular citizens could have the option of joining them. Maybe, if enough government workers and politicians died, like my dad did, we could balance the budget.
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My late father died from backpain, because he was on Medicare, administered through Secure Horizons, and the lack of choice of doctors, and the red tape, resulted in his death. My father died of a sore back, because the inept doctor he was forced to see wasn't available to deal with a mistake he had made, and because the "system" took too long for my mother and I to get him in the care of a different doctor. So, my dad died of a drug overdose at the hands of government health care. Government can't educate little kids. Anyone who thinks they can deliver efficient or effective medical care is an idiot, and anyone who proposes it is a criminal. How about forcing all government workers and elected officials into Medicare, using "clearing houses" like Secure Horizon, for a test period of five years. If, after that test period, all of them agree that their NEW medical coverage is better than their OLD system, regular citizens could have the option of joining them. Maybe, if enough government workers and politicians died, like my dad did, we could balance the budget.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
OK, are you people fucking crazy? I watched both of my parents die horrible deaths on Medicare. I don't have any medical insurance right now, but I'm not stupid enough to want to ascribe to THAT system. Are you nuts? You get "lowest bid" doctors and non-English-speaking medical staff, right up until the time the died. SO, if that's what Obama has in mind, for everyone's medical insurance, I say, EFF YOU! How about, put every low-wage earner's "deductions" toward Blue Cross, and their next "upgrade" of income deductions toward Social Security, and fuck their "returns". EVERYBODY has a right to live, and to medical insurance, and food, and car insurance, and THEN they should pay for government. After that, the government should have to live within the actual cost of doing our business, and if they can't, they should lay-off their employees to match the real, private sector economy. No more "financing" their lifestyle!
Friday, June 19, 2009
With several cities in Iran reporting voter turn-out at higher than actual population rates, it appears the ACORN has opened some overseas offices, OR, it seems that ACORN represents a Third World style political organization, kinda like Illinois. OH, didn't Obama arise out of those systems? Maybe that's why he acts like a Third World dictator, eh? "MAYBE"? NOT!
Al Sharpton,
Community organizer,
Jesse Jackson,
Voter Fraud
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What if, instead of being completely unrelated to Kim Jong Il's impending ballistic missile launch, the freighter, Kang Nam, is actually the primary delivery platform for a nuclear strike, or a secondary platform to the missile, or in fact, merely some kind of nuclear insurance policy, just in case the US or UN actually interfere in either's mission? Surely, a freighter would be a far more reliable delivery system, and capable of carrying a far bigger payload, than a missile of questionable range and/or reliability. What if he truly intends on making good on his threat, to treat any action against an asset of N. Korea as an act of war? Perhaps the freighter is the means with which be intends to respond?
Act of War,
Kang Nam,
N. Korea,
Nuclear Weapons,
N. Korea contemplating a missile launch toward Alaska?
I know that Barack Obama and Kim Jong Il share a lot of political beliefs, and I'm sure Obama envies the N. Korean dictator his political free-hand, but having his maniacal Asian buddy nuke Juneau, just because Alaska's governor is a little critical of his policies, seems a little harsh. If it works, watch-out Fox News Channel!
4th of July,
Fox News Channel,
Kim Jong Il,
N. Korea,
Nuclear Weapons,
Sarah Palin
If Barack Obama is going to borrow trillions and trillions of dollars on the tab of the American people, then he should stop handing it out to his supporters, and start mailing those dollars out to the poor bastards who are going to have to pay it back. If he doesn't he's a thief, because there is no more reason to expect our present day government to do any better job at managing them, or "investing" them, than the crooks and fools who have run our nation and its economy into the ground already. At least, if the people get the money, they'll be able to enjoy it, and benefit from it, instead of merely being responsible for paying it back, and suffering a lower standard of living at the hands of this maniac and his co-conspirators. Hell, why not just take 20% of the money these people are talking about, and giving it out in $1 million small business grants, in some form of lottery? 'Ya think we'd get a few new jobs out of that? If we give the money to the government, all we'll get out of it is more government, and more government employees to support in perpetuity.
What exactly is it that the government DOES do well? If they can't deliver the mail, can't control the borders, can't control crimes, can't balance a budget, and can't tell the truth, what reasonable person would think they could do a good job educating children, or administering health services? You know, the inability to accept reality, after being shown it, over and over, is a sign of insanity. Don't confuse the political ambition and defense of their jobs with any real concern for your children, your health, your life or, more importantly, your freedom.
Socialized Medicine,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate
Congressman: Consider science in energy tax debate
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"Global Warming" and the carbon issue are both nonsense, but here's just ONE contradiction to the Left's fantasy about controlling every aspect of human life. On one hand, they say we should exploit solar energy with our houses, using solar panels, and solar water heaters, which are black, and hot, and on the other hand, they say we should paint our roofs WHITE, because white is cool and reflective. They promise us jobs, and they create regulations and taxation that guarantee no sane investor will risk capital to build a factory or start a high employment business in this country. If the people of the United States don't take the wind out of Obama's sail, starting in 2010, we'll all be unemployed wards of the state, and enjoying a 3rd world standard of living. Ron Paul is 100% right.
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"Global Warming" and the carbon issue are both nonsense, but here's just ONE contradiction to the Left's fantasy about controlling every aspect of human life. On one hand, they say we should exploit solar energy with our houses, using solar panels, and solar water heaters, which are black, and hot, and on the other hand, they say we should paint our roofs WHITE, because white is cool and reflective. They promise us jobs, and they create regulations and taxation that guarantee no sane investor will risk capital to build a factory or start a high employment business in this country. If the people of the United States don't take the wind out of Obama's sail, starting in 2010, we'll all be unemployed wards of the state, and enjoying a 3rd world standard of living. Ron Paul is 100% right.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Obama's National Health Plan
So, let me ask all you a question. When you have to deal with a government agency, do you feel like the people there are your "servants"? Are you in charge? Are they to do your bidding? How would you rate the value you are receiving? If you got "bad service", do you call for a manager and raise hell until they make things right? If they injure you, can you find an attorney, and get compensated for that injury? Is the "customer always right" part of their institutional culture?
Now, apply your answers to how you want your health care handled. Are the American people stupid, or suicidal?
Now, apply your answers to how you want your health care handled. Are the American people stupid, or suicidal?
Health Care,
Medical Insurance,
Socialized Medicine
Green Attention Disorder & the Prius
Anyone else out there notice that Prius drivers are brain dead? Is it, people who would buy one, or is it the cars that turn the drivers into morons? Imagine a 90 yr old Asian woman, with 10 kids fighting in the back of her minivan, drinking and smoking, putting on make-up, texting on her phone, and eating a Big Mac, at night, without her glasses. Got the image? Well, everybody who drives a Prius is worse.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
We must keep Gitmo open, that's all there is to it. In four years, we are going to need a secure place to house Barack Obama, his Congress and his Administration, for the economic and social crimes they are committing against the American people, and for the economic damages they are going to suffer at their hands. They must not be allowed to escape their responsibility for this tragedy in progress, but we must keep them some place where Americans who have had their lives destroyed by these idiotic policies/actions cannot get their hands on the culprits, no matter how much they might deserve that justice. Am I kidding? 'Ya think there are a few Cubans who'd like to get their hands around Castro's neck? OK, OK, I know, forgive and forget. What the hell, let's let Uncle Bernie, OJ, and Charley Manson out as well.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Americans, a non-fixed asset.
Think of the opportunity that the Obama Years will present to foreign countries, not just in the sense of a state-to-state issue. Smart tax and regulatory policies could attract entrepreneurs and investment-class immigrants to nations wanting to stimulate their economies and brain pools. Our forefathers came to this continent in search of freedom and opportunity. Are their descendants less a people?
State Taxes,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A national sales tax is a good idea, but ONLY if that's the ONLY form of tax used to earn revenue for the federal government. We cannot allow them to have both a VAT AND an income tax. One or the other. No more allowing the federal tax system to be used for social/economic engineering. Make the government's income be tied directly to the well being of the PEOPLE, make deficits illegal. If the government can't learn to work without devouring the people, maybe we need another government, and not just a new tax system. VOTE OUT INCUMBENTS!
Nationalizing the American Health System?
How do I feel about "nationalizing" the health system in this country? How'd ya like to watch your father die, while you're trying to work through Medicare red tape and inertia, because the govt. approved doctor was incompetent, and unavailable to address his mistake? If the govt. can't provide a mediocre education to your child, what on earth would make you think it's OK to trust it with your health and your life?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
OK, the people of the United States elected Barack Obama, and the mainstream media around the world hailed his ascension as the beginning of a new Age of Peace. He would abandon the errant ways of his predecessors, and make peace with words and an open hand, instead of a mailed fist. What happened? What happened to the brunches on the White House lawn? Why haven't the leaders of N. Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela stood-down their armies, cancelled their WMD programs, and RSVPd for the Obama Love Fest 2009? Weren't they watching MSNBC? Didn't they feel Chris Matthew's thrill? Didn't they see all the tears and hugs on Inauguration Day? What else doesn't Obama get right? Stay tuned, reality is just around the corner.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger,
I used to work in the American motorcycle industry. Over the years, I saw many instances of environmental regulations killing jobs and killing businesses, and by virtue of that, killing revenue to the federal government, the State of California, local governments AND various charities. Now, I see you and Obama, grinning like a bunch of possums, patting themselves on the backs over some new CAFE standards.
Let me tell you how the California Air Research Board, and California's emissions standards, have impacted the California economy.
CARB cracked-down on manufacturers, dealerships and repair shops for replacing factory installed "emissions" components with after market [custom] parts, the idea being to reduce smog. If they caught anyone doing it, it meant BIG fines, and the police wrote lots of tickets, to collect money from scofflaws.
So, what was the actual effect?
When shops informed potential customers that they could not replace the stock - quiet - mufflers with louder custom pipes, or the ugly stock air filter boxes with cool ones - with skulls, and flames, and all that stuff - the potential customers lost much of their enthusiasm, and most left to try and find dealers or shops who would take the risk. Regardless of what bureaucrats and politicians think, or want, Americans want their American motorcycles to sound like American motorcycles, and they want to be able to personalize them, according to the dreams they have had, since their grandpas gave them a ride on their custom hogs, etc. It's a cultural thing, and, unfortunately, the culture of people in our capitals differs greatly from the culture of the people who foot the bill for everything.
So, instead of happily buying a $15,000 motorcycle, and adding $3-10K of customization, and $2000 in clothing and equipment, or more, to the deal, they left their dreams in that old shoe box filled with family pictures, and went on about their lives. You were happy, and CARB was happy, and Algore was happy, but a whole lot of other people paid for your happiness and your shortsightedness, and paid big.
The dealership didn't get the profits on the deal, the mechanics didn't get the hours, installing the stuff, the parts guy didn't earn a check, collecting all the goodies for the bike, the DMV girl didn't get paid, nor the get-ready boy, nor the salesman.
But, the impact didn't stop there.
No, to make your green friends happy, the guy who sold the steel for the pipes lost money, as did the guy who delivered the steel, and the guy who bent the steel, and the guy who welded the steel, and the guy who chromed the steel, and the company who sold the pipes, and the box company, and the packing kids, and the UPS driver who took it to the wholesaler, and the people who worked in that warehouse, and the salesman at the wholesaler, and the wholesaler, and more UPS workers who got it to the shop, and all the restaurants and other businesses that all those people couldn't spend that missing money with, unto infinity.
Repeat that process for the intake parts, and the suspension parts, and the silly mirrors, and handlebars, and seats, and custom paint.
OH, and let's not forget the American company and workers who built the original motorcycle, and the truckers who got it to the dealership, and all the people and companies up and downstream from them.
Ah, but it didn't stop there.
Since the potential buyer couldn't have his dream bike, he didn't ride around to biker places with his friends, so they didn't eat, and drink, and stay in motels, and he didn't buy the hair glove and the sexy shirt for his wife or girlfriend, and he didn't need to have his bike serviced, or have the tires changed, and he didn't replace the first custom pipes and intake with something cooler, so all the people that made, sold, transported, installed that stuff didn't make money, and all the people THEY patronized lost income too.
Oh, did I mention, that most motorcycle rides/events are designed to raise money for charities?
Yes, so all the potential customers that you, Barack and your green buddies convinced NOT to buy custom motorcycles didn't attend those rides, because they would be embarrassed to ride up on something that sounds more like granny's sewing machine than grandpa's panhead, and a little less research got done, or medicine got bought, so you could impose your beliefs and values on others.
SO, what have we learned?
The State of California wants to start inspecting motorcycles, to check for smog equipment.
That means, the people who didn't buy motorcycles because the dealership wouldn't change that equipment will be joined by the people who won't buy motorcycles because they won't be able to change that equipment themselves, and they will be joined by the people who can't or won't pay to have their bikes brought back into compliance, because they wouldn't want to ride them that way, in not spending money on their motorcycles, and their wives and girlfriends, and their lifestyle. And, remember all those other people I mentioned, who wouldn't earn money, because that first guy didn't buy his dream bike?, well, they won't earn money AGAIN, and those companies will close, and then those people won't be able to spend money, and countless other people will lose their jobs too.
Now, a thinking man/woman, would look at all these "green" proposals that you and Barack are so fond of, and ask his/herself, if you can kill jobs like that in California, by attacking loud motorcycles, what impact will your ideas have on the RV business/community? What about the boating industry? Private aircraft? Off-roaders? Hunters? Fishermen? Water skiers?
I know what you are going to say. You're going to puke up the lies, about replacing all those lost jobs with new, "green" jobs, that will be created by companies you choose.
So, Barack and you are going to destroy millions of job that grew naturally, and that were self-sustaining, with the jobs YOU think people should have, in industries YOU create, that have no real market value of their own.
Governor, I'd like stop here, and tell you that this is all theory, and that these were hypothetical examples, but I can't. I used to work in the motorcycle business, but now I am unemployed, along with friends of mine, due in no small part to what I described.
We used to make decent money, but now we are on unemployment, because stupid people in high places did stupid things, and now you are wanting to do even more, bigger stupid things, and kill more jobs, making it less and less likely that many of us will ever find decent jobs, and for what? So you can force your political, social and religious beliefs on the rest of us?
I used to work in the American motorcycle industry. Over the years, I saw many instances of environmental regulations killing jobs and killing businesses, and by virtue of that, killing revenue to the federal government, the State of California, local governments AND various charities. Now, I see you and Obama, grinning like a bunch of possums, patting themselves on the backs over some new CAFE standards.
Let me tell you how the California Air Research Board, and California's emissions standards, have impacted the California economy.
CARB cracked-down on manufacturers, dealerships and repair shops for replacing factory installed "emissions" components with after market [custom] parts, the idea being to reduce smog. If they caught anyone doing it, it meant BIG fines, and the police wrote lots of tickets, to collect money from scofflaws.
So, what was the actual effect?
When shops informed potential customers that they could not replace the stock - quiet - mufflers with louder custom pipes, or the ugly stock air filter boxes with cool ones - with skulls, and flames, and all that stuff - the potential customers lost much of their enthusiasm, and most left to try and find dealers or shops who would take the risk. Regardless of what bureaucrats and politicians think, or want, Americans want their American motorcycles to sound like American motorcycles, and they want to be able to personalize them, according to the dreams they have had, since their grandpas gave them a ride on their custom hogs, etc. It's a cultural thing, and, unfortunately, the culture of people in our capitals differs greatly from the culture of the people who foot the bill for everything.
So, instead of happily buying a $15,000 motorcycle, and adding $3-10K of customization, and $2000 in clothing and equipment, or more, to the deal, they left their dreams in that old shoe box filled with family pictures, and went on about their lives. You were happy, and CARB was happy, and Algore was happy, but a whole lot of other people paid for your happiness and your shortsightedness, and paid big.
The dealership didn't get the profits on the deal, the mechanics didn't get the hours, installing the stuff, the parts guy didn't earn a check, collecting all the goodies for the bike, the DMV girl didn't get paid, nor the get-ready boy, nor the salesman.
But, the impact didn't stop there.
No, to make your green friends happy, the guy who sold the steel for the pipes lost money, as did the guy who delivered the steel, and the guy who bent the steel, and the guy who welded the steel, and the guy who chromed the steel, and the company who sold the pipes, and the box company, and the packing kids, and the UPS driver who took it to the wholesaler, and the people who worked in that warehouse, and the salesman at the wholesaler, and the wholesaler, and more UPS workers who got it to the shop, and all the restaurants and other businesses that all those people couldn't spend that missing money with, unto infinity.
Repeat that process for the intake parts, and the suspension parts, and the silly mirrors, and handlebars, and seats, and custom paint.
OH, and let's not forget the American company and workers who built the original motorcycle, and the truckers who got it to the dealership, and all the people and companies up and downstream from them.
Ah, but it didn't stop there.
Since the potential buyer couldn't have his dream bike, he didn't ride around to biker places with his friends, so they didn't eat, and drink, and stay in motels, and he didn't buy the hair glove and the sexy shirt for his wife or girlfriend, and he didn't need to have his bike serviced, or have the tires changed, and he didn't replace the first custom pipes and intake with something cooler, so all the people that made, sold, transported, installed that stuff didn't make money, and all the people THEY patronized lost income too.
Oh, did I mention, that most motorcycle rides/events are designed to raise money for charities?
Yes, so all the potential customers that you, Barack and your green buddies convinced NOT to buy custom motorcycles didn't attend those rides, because they would be embarrassed to ride up on something that sounds more like granny's sewing machine than grandpa's panhead, and a little less research got done, or medicine got bought, so you could impose your beliefs and values on others.
SO, what have we learned?
The State of California wants to start inspecting motorcycles, to check for smog equipment.
That means, the people who didn't buy motorcycles because the dealership wouldn't change that equipment will be joined by the people who won't buy motorcycles because they won't be able to change that equipment themselves, and they will be joined by the people who can't or won't pay to have their bikes brought back into compliance, because they wouldn't want to ride them that way, in not spending money on their motorcycles, and their wives and girlfriends, and their lifestyle. And, remember all those other people I mentioned, who wouldn't earn money, because that first guy didn't buy his dream bike?, well, they won't earn money AGAIN, and those companies will close, and then those people won't be able to spend money, and countless other people will lose their jobs too.
Now, a thinking man/woman, would look at all these "green" proposals that you and Barack are so fond of, and ask his/herself, if you can kill jobs like that in California, by attacking loud motorcycles, what impact will your ideas have on the RV business/community? What about the boating industry? Private aircraft? Off-roaders? Hunters? Fishermen? Water skiers?
I know what you are going to say. You're going to puke up the lies, about replacing all those lost jobs with new, "green" jobs, that will be created by companies you choose.
So, Barack and you are going to destroy millions of job that grew naturally, and that were self-sustaining, with the jobs YOU think people should have, in industries YOU create, that have no real market value of their own.
Governor, I'd like stop here, and tell you that this is all theory, and that these were hypothetical examples, but I can't. I used to work in the motorcycle business, but now I am unemployed, along with friends of mine, due in no small part to what I described.
We used to make decent money, but now we are on unemployment, because stupid people in high places did stupid things, and now you are wanting to do even more, bigger stupid things, and kill more jobs, making it less and less likely that many of us will ever find decent jobs, and for what? So you can force your political, social and religious beliefs on the rest of us?
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